Auto Fondo 2024
Saturday, October 19th 9:00am

The 2024 edition of the Auto Fondo will run just after peak foliage. We'll head back into NY for a trip toward Lake Placid, lunch at the field, and the banzai trip back east for dinner and drinks at Zach's. We're allowing modern era sports cars alongside the vintage cars again this year. Plan for a brisk drive, great food, and better stories.
We're exited to see you. Your cool cars. And your sporty driving.
This year we can make more promises.
A few updates/details for 2024:
1. No route book again - google maps, and written cue sheet. KISS, easy.
2. No car age restriction
3. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served outside, with shelter, though we can't guarantee a rain free lunch
4. We’re very happy to refund any event costs if you can’t make it
5. Space is limited, so if you want to join this year, please let us know asap
6. Maybe no dirt roads - unless Bill can find some ASAP
Register here. $365/car w/breakfast/lunch/dinner for two occupants

Payment on EuropaMothership.com is for food only. Any associated driving or transportation to, from, or during this drive is undertaken at your own risk. You agree that Europa Mothership or anyone attending the food events will not under any circumstance be liable to any person for any loss or damage in any way connected with the events of the day.